Swiss Alps Mining Energy


Swiss Alps Mining & Energy. 

The blockchain community worldwide faces strong headwinds due to the very energy-intensive mining process of crypto currencies and blockchain-based business applications. At the same time, in the Swiss alps, thousands of unused structures are disintegrating due to the fact that today’s spatial planning law does not allow for residential use of these buildings.

Swiss Alps Mining & Energy connects these two worlds by offering environmentally friendly mining facilities in unused buildings in the Swiss alps, powered by renewable energy only.

Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in early 2018. The funds raised in the ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of the mining facilities and to acquire holdings in hydropower plants. The SAM token, Sam, is an ERC20 token. It can be used as means of payment within the SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform on all relevant exchanges.

Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) – the company.

Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is Swiss Alps Mining & Energy’s operating business. Members of the team come from fields such as blockchain technology, crypto currency mining and hyperledger applications developers and specialists, as well as civil engineers, infrastructure engineers, and energy experts. The team has successfully developed and launched several products, solutions and applications based on the blockchain technology. The company is currently going through the application phase in order to become a member of a Swiss self-regulatory organization (SRO).

Swiss Alps Energy AG is a distributed ledger-based energy supplier and an operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that are intended for longterm stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves the
aforementioned unused buildings in the Swiss alps and uses them sensibly and without interference with either building structure or the environment.


Swiss Alps Energy AG is the first company with a revolutinary solution to save up to 50% of its electricity costs by using mining cubes powered exclusively by renewable energy and ORC recovery of waste heat from the mining equipment. This represents a solution for a global problem facing the industry. The much lower boiling point of water at high altitudes where the cubes are positioned makes energy recovery considerably more efficient. This makes mining significantly more profitable, protects Swiss cultural heritage, and saves energy.
Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in June 2018. The funds raised in the ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of the mining facilities and to acquire holdings in hydropower plants.


Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributed ledger-based energy supplier and an operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that are intended for long-term stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves unused buildings in the Swiss alps and uses them sensibly and without interference with either building structure or the environment.


The blockchain community worldwide faces strong headwinds due to the very energy-intensive mining process of crypto currencies and blockchain-based business applications. At the same time, in the Swiss alps, thousands of unused structures are disintegrating due to the fact that today’s spatial planning law does not allow for residential use of these buildings.


Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributed ledger-based energy supplier and an operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that are intended for long-term stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves unused buildings in the Swiss alps and uses them sensibly and without interference with either building structure or the environment.


A sophisticated modular cube system allows Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) to build and implement prefabricated dust-protected mining components on-site. Ideal natural temperature conditions enable easy cooling of the mining facilities, which leads to a reduction of energy consumption of up to 30% in comparison to comparable installations. The flexible and modular mining cubes provide cutting-edge automation.


Swiss Alps Mining & Energy is the first company in the world to use an ORC system to recover electricity from the waste heat generated by mining systems. The placement of the mining facilities in the Swiss Alps takes advantage of the fact that water has a lower boiling point at these altitudes, resulting in a much more efficient recovery of electricity from heat. Since the mining systems at these sites do not require additional cooling by air conditioning systems, the SAM cubes power consumption can be reduced by up to 50% compared to conventional mining systems. With this unique approach, SAM is solving a global problem in the field of mining.


All services provided by SAE as well as the purchase of power and cubes will be paid in SAM tokens.
The SAM token can be used in different ways and guarantees the investor a high ROI through the very profitable mining alone. Since the number of tokens is limited and services and electricity can be paid with Sam in a further step, the token itself is expected to significantly increase in value. The ROI of the token in mining alone is expected to be over 200% over the next two years, and it can be assumed that the prices for crypto currencies in general will continue to develop strongly.
The SAM token can be used to rent mining infrastructure (including or excluding energy) or hardware as well as to buy SAM Cubes. Basically, Sam serves three purposes:
  • Lease and sale of mining hardware and SAM Cubes
  • Securing electricity costs and selling energy to renters
  • Setting up the Swiss alps blockchain as a service blockchain for companies, e.g. in the field of KYC solutions
All services can be paid with the SAM Token.



Work start October 2017
Renting first buildings February 2018
Founding of AG February 2018
First Cube Running February-March 2018
Press conference May 2018
ICO Start June 2018
Dev. Of SAM Mining Pool & SAM Platform March-October 2018
ICO private Sale Beginning of May 2018
Start production of further cubes As of July 2018
Start development of KYC/AML solution As of July 2018
Renting further buildings July-August 2018
Comissioning and Leasing of First Cloud-Mining Cubes September 2018
Purchase of first Power Plant End of 2018
Selling cubes End of 2018 Power Production Early 2019
First release of SAM KYC solution January 2019
SAM edge nodes and blockchain solution
Early 2019 Blockchain PaaS Provider February 2019
App Ecosystem for Customer March 2019
Expanding purchase of power plants March 2019
Expanding sales of SAM Cubes & ORC System worldwide April 2019
Energy supplier on DLT July 2019


Gian-Carlo Collenberg: Founder and CEO
Mike Rava: Founder and CMO
Gnana Yogarajah: Founder and CTO
Ramon Simon: Founder and CFO
Raja Yogarajah: Founder and CTO
Christian Giger: Head of construction mining cubes
Pascale Uccella: Head of human resources
Navjeet Kumar: Fullstack developer
Crissi Robert: Blockchain developer specialized in Ethereum Virtual Machine
Ajay Parmar: Front-end developer
Karan Ahuja: Blockchain developer specialized in Bitcoin Core
Santosh Kumar: Blockchain developer
Ankur Dharwal: Blockchain developer specialized in Hyperledger framework
Goutham Krishna: Blockchain developer specialized in smart contracts on Hyperledger framework
Divy Trivedi: Supporter
Sanjay Jaiswa: Back-end developer
Arnav Chaudhary: Fullstack developer with IoT-focus
Hitesh Trivedi: Fullstack developer
Sonal Parekh Designer
Hinal Suthar: Fullstack developer
Shital Prajapati: Fullstack developer
Himanshu Phogat: Back-end developer

Worldopoly The First Game to Combine AR, AI & Blockchain

Hasil gambar untuk worldopoly ico rating


What is Worldopoly? 

Worldopoly is the world’s first mobile game to combine Augmented Reality, Geopositioning, Blockchain and Artificial intelligence within an engaging economic simulation and strategic multiplayer game. Worldopoly gives the players a platform to build, own and trade property, all securely stored in blockchain. The innovative new approach is the use of it’s own cryptocurrency, the WPT as the base of the economic simulation. This gives the game a layer of realism never seen before, because people can earn real money when playing. The addition of AR makes it possible to actually see your empire grow before you eyes. In short Worldopoly is a true revolution in mobile gaming, easy accessible and yet complex like the real life itself.
Worldopoly – a game associated with crypto-currencies. The game will be similar to Pokémon Go and M onpolia , where the user will have the opportunity to buy and sell buildings and streets around the world in google map, that is, in real mode with the help of crypto currency. This means that there will be a street owner on one side, and on the other hand, ordinary citizens who installed the Worldopoly application on their phone who can play this game, buy a street that they like. This multiplayer game will be implemented using blockchain technology and the augmented reality of Geopovery Worldopoly. A real person and augmented reality will give an opportunity to see and show your progress to others.
Why the sphere of mobile games?
In the market respect, mobile games occupy more than 40% of the most profitable spheres of the gaming industry. At what they dominate not only in the gaming industry, but also in the mobile software market! Below in the photo, we can see the revenue statistics in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
According to research by 2020, mobile gaming will represent slightly more than half of the total gaming market. One of the reasons why mobile gaming is so actively developing is the rise of the gaming industry in China. The Asia-Pacific market has a leading position in the world market, which involved $ 51.2 billion in this sphere, which accounted for 47% of the total market. The share of China itself in the industry was about a quarter of the total revenue – $ 27.5 billion.
Advantages of the game Worldopoly from other games:
The game Worldopoly united in itself AR (increased reality), blockchain and Geopovery Worldopoly. This pool provides a unique gameplay that improves mobile games, and eliminates the current limitations. While other games focus on either AR, Blockchain, or the gameplay. Here, everything is integrated into one technology, into one game. Each realized function has its own unique goal. Thanks to AR, the game takes place in real life, Blockchain provides an increased level of security, and Geopovery carries cities around the world to your device. Thus, the player can actually “see” each of his moves. Let’s say one user buys a street, a building, and another will look at it and see the advertisement, which is in the annex and the owner of this building himself puts up an advertisement and an item that the client will see. Profits in this way will be obtained from these advertisements.

How to start the game?

It’s very easy to start the game – you just need to download it and register. Each player starts with the capital of coins that he uses to buy one street and one player’s starting building. Real person and augmented reality give you the opportunity to see and show your progress to others.
There will be 3 types of currencies in the game – Worldopoly Coins, WPT and Building resource.
1) Buildings and streets can be bought and earned coins. Each building can be built and improved
2 In the store and at the auction, all items can be purchased at a fixed price
3) Between the players there can be mutual relations both hostile, and neutral and friendly.

About tokens:

The main interaction mechanism will be the WPT token , which will act as the accounting unit used to represent the digital balance in the business model of the project. Token accounting will be supported in a database based on blockchain technology, which was chosen as the basis of the economic system of the project, as it will ensure the transparency of all in-game operations and provide players with an additional level of security.

Distribution token and ICO conditions:

Наименование токена: WPT
Total number of tokens: 200 million.
The total number of tokens allocated to the ICO phase is 75%.
End of Private Sale: March 30
Presale: April 2-April 23
Main sale: April 26 – May 17
Current token: 1 WPT = 0.12 $
At the moment, the Private Sale stage is underway. At this stage, the bonus is +2 5% to the deposit. When moving from stage to stage, the bonus size will decrease

The company plans for 2018-2020:

 Stage 1 – May 2018 – launch of a game and auction for the sale of streets
Stage 2 – August 2018 – Introduction of the Worldopoly token exchange function with other crypto currency between players
Stage 3 – September 2018 – Run inside the game chat and create notifications about important game events, for example, when someone bought the most expensive building (similar function implemented in Pokémon Go, when the player receives information about the appearance of a rare Pokémon)
Stage 4 – December 2018 – Getting the first profit. Users will be able to receive revenue from advertising placed on their own game objects.
Step 5 – February 2019 – Improve the system. New opportunities for improvement inside gaming buildings, new methods of interaction of players, as well as the development of unique objects
Stage 6 – April 2019 – Integration of AI Smart Assistant launch (it can give recommendations and reminders to users, as well as help them better understand the game). Introduction of text commands of single actions (restoration of a building, improvement of buildings, etc.)
Step 7 – September 2019 – Personalization for end users and advertisers
Stage 8 – December 2019-April 2020 – Adding the opportunity to purchase resources and new types of facilities for urban improvement
Stage 9 – October 2020 – Creation of civilizations, significant expansion of the game world, adding the function of creating your own currency within the city limits



It can be concluded that the game may well occupy a worthy place in the gaming industry, in the field of crypto currency. People will start to walk down the street, buy their streets, see who it belongs to and thus the average person will be closer to the crypto currency. And whoever thinks it through decides that the project will “shoot”, I want to join, so to speak, to the shark of the future.
More information can be found here:
Created by : mayshella99

Kepler Technologies

Hasil gambar untuk kepler bounty
Teknologi telah secara drastis merevolusi bagaimana cara orang berhubungan satu sama lain dari evaluasi yang sangat empiris. Para ahli berpendapat bahwa abad ke-21 sangat signifikan dalam banyak hal. Abad ke-21 adalah generasi internet dengan inovasi yang terus bertambah, Blockchain adalah generasi terbaru pada generasi ini, yang merevitalisasi dan memuji penemuan teknologi lainnya. Dengan pandangan yang sama, robot dan robotika menjadi sangat kontemporer dengan teknisi yang bereksperimen dengan cara yang berbeda untuk menerapkan teknologinya.
Bagi pendatang baru di dunia teknologi, konsep robot mungkin terdengar aneh tapi untuk orang-orang yang sehari-harinya berkecimpung dalam dunia  internet, penemuan baru ini adalah gagasan abad ke-21 dan mampu melakukan banyak tugas dibandingkan dengan manusia yang yang terbatas dalam melakukan tugas kesehariannya.
Kepler adalah jaringan teknologi yang didukung oleh blockchain. Jaringan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform pasar global untuk investasi teknologi robot dan tinggi melalui portal yang transparan dan terdesentralisasi yang dikendalikan dan dikelola oleh investor. Kepler akan menggunakan analisis, ilmu data, dan algoritma prediktif untuk memberi investor peluang investasi yang unik melalui aset token.
Kepler Technology didedikasikan untuk pengembangan jaringan sosial yang adil, sederhana, dan dapat diandalkan yang akan membantu mengubah ide inovatif menjadi kenyataan dengan membawa orang-orang di seluruh dunia untuk bekerja sama.
Tujuan utama manajemen Kepler, disamping produksi Robotika yang berharga dan solusi AI, adalah terciptanya sistem distribusi kekayaan yang terdesentralisasi melalui terobosan teknologi yang akan membentuk masa depan umat manusia, robotika. Bayangkan jika pencipta internet telah memutuskan untuk berbagi mekanisme penciptaan kekayaannya dengan dunia daripada meninggalkannya di tangan organisasi perusahaan yang hanya terkonsentrasi pada akumulasi kekayaan pribadi. Bayangkan jika internet seperti blockchain, terdesentralisasi dan terdistribusi, pengguna akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari data mereka sendiri.
Kepler terletak di Eropa dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu perlahan akan berkembang ke bagian lain dunia. Kepler akan menjadi konsekuensi wajar dan dalam upaya menciptakan industri robot baru bagi orang-orang mengembangkan jaringan umum universal yang melanggar hukum dan eksklusif bahwa prakarsa komisi untuk menumbuhkan kerja sama tim di seluruh dunia dengan latar belakang yang spesifik, dengan nada yang sama. Satu-satunya misi platform adalah memperbesar platform jejaring sosial yang akan membantu setiap individu yang memiliki ide teknologi yang stylish, asli dan imajinatif untuk menemukan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dan membangun tim yang kuat. Platform ini juga akan mendukung para pemula dan penemu, membantu mereka mengubah gagasan menjadi rencana bisnis yang kredibel dan mempresentasikan rencana ini kepada calon investor. Untuk memberi gambaran tentang teknologi apa yang dapat dilakukan di abad ke-21, diagram berikut menunjukkan tingkat pertumbuhan, untuk tujuan penekanan.
Kepler secara monoton bekerja untuk membangun pabrik robot dan Artificial Intelligence (AI) terbesar di dunia di mana teknologi akan memenuhi inovasi untuk keuntungan masa depan dunia modern yang berlabuh pada premis teknologi Blockchain dan didukung oleh partisipasi masyarakat.
Hasil gambar untuk kepler bounty
Kepler lebih dari sekedar situs mewah dan whitepaper. Produk Joint pertama perusahaan itu, MIA (bahasa Latin untuk “Mine”), robot tipe manusia saat ini dalam tahap pra-alfa. MIA dirancang untuk menjadi robot otonom mandiri yang memiliki kemampuan manusiawi dengan tujuan untuk membuat hidup lebih mudah dan lebih menyenangkan. MIA adalah asisten berbasis blokir, yang akan terus memanfaatkan jaringan desentralisasi kami. MIA telah dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk membantu pengguna dalam aktivitas sehari-hari mereka, termasuk berbelanja melalui sistem dompet terpadu yang memungkinkannya melakukan transaksi berdasarkan perintah verbal.
Kepler ICO adalah penjualan token aset yang nyata di dunia nyata. Aset ini mencakup properti tetap dan tidak bergerak yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi mutakhir dan infrastruktur mutakhir. Nilai ekonomis dari aset ini juga akan menjadi jaminan untuk semua pemegang kepentingan di perusahaan. Keuntungan utama lainnya adalah dukungan dan sponsor, ia telah mengumpulkan baik dari sektor publik maupun swasta. Kepler berkomitmen kuat untuk memastikan semua dana direalisasikan melalui ICO disalurkan ke dalam pelaksanaan proyek yang akan meningkatkan nilai dan visibilitasnya. Proyek ini telah disesuaikan untuk memastikan pertumbuhan token Kepler bagi investor.
Token yang diproduksi untuk Proyek Kepler adalah Kepler token (KEP).  Token KEP akan digunakan sebagai instrumen yang menjamin hak masuk ke platform dan memungkinkan publik umum mengeksplorasi manfaat besar dari jaringan bionetwork tanpa chauvinisme.
Agar peserta bisa mengikuti platform, ICO sedang melakukan penawaran. Sebanyak 201, 500, 000 KEP token telah diciptakan oleh pengembang ekosistem:
  • Selama Pre-ICO – 5.000 KEP dengan bonus 30%
  • Selama ICO tahap 1 – 11, 500, 000 KEP denganbonus 15%
  • Selama ICO tahap 2 – 16, 500, 000 KEP dengan bonus 10%
  • Selama ICO tahap 3 – 21.000, 000 KEP dengan bonus 5%
  • Tahap akhir dari ICO – 21 , 500, 000 KEP tanpa bonus
Hasil gambar untuk kepler token sale
Penjualan Token akan dilakukan dalam dua mata uang khusus, Bitcoin (BTC) dan Ethereal (ETH). Total token supply adalah 250.000, 000 KEP + 7 000, 000 Bonus. USD akan menghasilkan KEP yang berarti bahwa investor $ 1 akan mendapatkan 0.8 KEP sebagai imbalannya. 1 Token price = $ 1.25 Jumlah yang akan dinaikkan adalah $ 250.000.000.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan cek link dibawah ini :


Hasil gambar untuk humancoin ico rating


The cryptocurrency of kindness – Humancoin – unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single p2p platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible. The blockchain platform fuelled by the “mined” Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, proving an engine of growth. The Humancoins are easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator. Token owners are incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits. And this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens. The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.  Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance.


The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens

As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token

The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times


This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator

Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance

Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems — all it requires is setting a conversion rate

Market Highlights

$ 750 bln- Charity

Every third person on Earth gives to charity

$ 2 300 bln- E-Commerce

70% large brands interested in the image of social responsible companies

$ 300—900 bln- Cryptocurrencies

75% of large businesses do charity work


Doubts over whether the contribution will reach the recipient in full and on time, and a lack of trust in charities

High operational costs of the transactions, the complexity of cross-border payments, as well as dealing with regulatory agencies

Inability to discern any additional benefits for making a donation

Huge competition in e-commerce with the most pressing challenge being to retain existing customers


Blockchain solves the trust issue by providing transparency, traceability and security

Donors can quickly make donations worldwide, monitor their expenditure online, receive benefits from the platform’s partners

The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrencies will facilitate an increase in the number of donors

Among the project’s partners will be large online stores, service businesses, gaming and entertainment industries, airlines, cryptoexchanges, international corporations, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrencies or not


The platform provides the opportunity to fully track donations online, as well as voting and ranking for projects and philanthropists along with other features

There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation to use for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor’s tax jurisdiction

The future expansion of the project will be financed by the 5%-fee raised from the funds collected for charity projects, which is 4 times lower than the market average.

Token Sale

  • 3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins are available
  • All tokens that go unsold will be burned
  • The price of one token is $0.01
  • Minimum purchase – 0.1 ETH


July 1 — August 15

Expected to raise$1 mln

Token Sale

September 15 — November 1

Softcap — $6 mln

Hardcap — $26 mln

The funds raised at the Token Sale will be spent on the development of the project in 2019

There will be additional token emissions (mining), 100% tied to the actual volume of charitable donations (Proof of Charity)

6 000 mln- The total emission of Humancoins

3 055 mln- For sale

1 000 mln- Partnership Development Fund

600 mln- Team reward

50% blocked by smart contract for 6 months.

50% blocked for 12 months

600 mln- Advisors and ambassadors

500 mln- Consultants and exchanges

245 mln- Bounty, airdrop and referral program


2017 — Q1 2018

  • development of the project idea
  • establishment of the core team and the pool of early backers
  • сonsultations with the charity community and experts on loyalty rewards
  • final shaping of the team

Q2 2018

  • start social media and PR campaign
  • preparations for the Token Sale

Q3 2018

  • Token Sale
  • development of the platform and expansion of the team
  • preliminary negotiations with the program partners
  • MVP
  • Conclusion of agreements with anchor charitable foundations

Q4 2018

  • completion of the Token Sale and listing on cryptoexchanges
  • launch of the charity platform in beta
  • conclusion of agreements with
  • e-commerce partners
  • completion of the establishment of the legal structure

Q1-Q2 2019

  • the platform enters operation
  • collection of funds for charities and distribution of tokens to benefactors further development of the platform

Q3-Q4 2019

  • full functionality of the platform
  • extension of the list of
  • e-commerce partners
  • extension of the list of charitable foundations


Giles Gailer- CEO

Kate Bublik- CMO

Aravinda Babu- Blockchain and Smart Contracts Expert

Kai Hsia- Senior Software Engineer

Daniel Maximkin- Head of Digital Analytics

Nathan van de Ven- Community and Project manager

Elena Tarasova- SMM Manager


Paul Cliffe- Family Office Crypto Advisor

Marcus Campbell- Platform Development Advisor

ONG Jun Hao (CryptoJH)- Marketing and Exchanges Advisor

Dr. Jay (Jangwoo) Lee- Marketing Advisor

Reinhard Berger- Investments Advisor

Kent Yan- Business Development Advisor

Marco Calicchia- Community Management Advisor


Created by : mayshella99

Redcab Decentralized Transportation Solution


RedCab LLC is a fast forward company with a futuristic business model in the transportation space.

From technical aspects to business model, a dedicated research team spent 1 complete year researching needs, assessing market gaps and exploring potential with a focus on riders’ experience and driver needs.

Our first beta version of the Mobile App went live in 2017 on both the App Store and Google play, and the soft launch took place in a small touristic spot by the Red Sea for more on hand operation and to test the car hailing service, which consumes a big part of our business model. We see a massive potential in the industry and rising demand in all metropolitan cities with a future growth expectation for the industry to reach $285 Billion by 2030.

The digital revolution has changed our lives to be more comfortable and comfortable in many aspects. The global share economy has reached $ 18 billion by 2017, is expected to reach $ 335 billion by 2025. Uber and Airbnb are two great examples of what can happen if you activate a peer-to-peer economy between community users. However, they are limited to two areas of specific service needs, transportation and lodging. Imagine you can turn everyone into a service provider for just about anything.

Many start-ups have been increasing in the market recently to solve transportation problems. Most of them are successful as a business, but nothing works without damage to social security. Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has managed to solve some problems in the last 10 years, this leaves us with some business model impersonator without iteration or innovation. Customers are not only looking for trendy services, but are looking for truly reliable services with sustainable quality and safety, offering all transport options and services at low competitive prices, and because customers do not like to be misused, so on a rainy day , or a day with heavy traffic; The “high price” rate is not a good move.

RedCab has surveyed part-time drivers, with 91% of the population using car apps and having an income hold up to 87% with flexible working methods. RedCab’s business model ensures a 20% increase in driver revenue with a clear strategy to capitalize on 10 on dominance networks where the time of those who choose to partner with Redcap and manage drives more efficiently.

What is RedCab?

RedCab LLC. The company was founded to offer a seamless peer to peer transport solution for individuals and businesses through the decentralization of the entire process using blockchain technology. The REDC token will be used as a utility token for everyday transactions that create a massive demand for restricted restricted stocks. Companies that have existed since 2016 with real field operations. Bringing global innovative solutions through Blockchain to existing market needs with annual demand of $ 230 Billion.

Vision RedCab

The RedCab LLC team has seen a clear opportunity in the transportation industry for its unique business model to balance business objectives and customer needs, backed by a strong technical platform. Blockchain technology is regarded as the backbone of this business model from providing secure transactions and quick contracts; it perfectly blends with our business model to deliver a world of decentralized managed and managed transport solutions to people who are ready to serve individuals and support the business.

How RedCab Solution Works?

RedCab is a decentralizing the transportation solution for individuals by utilizing Blockchain technologies for cost-efficient and secure transactions. On the other hand, saving billions of dollars from transportation commission to be rewarded back to the ecosystem ensuring sustainability and business continuity through cutting-edge technology, performance management and customer loyalty. Our business model is designed to ensure smooth market penetration through lean and reliable processes, and our scoring and reward program ensures loyal and productive community. With the variation in fare calculation from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep the tool flexible to amend the best pricing formula without surge price or high-cost fare in holidays or bad weather.

Problem Solving: Why RedCab?

Many start-ups have been rising in the market recently to solve the transportation issue. Most of them are successful as a business, but none of them have succeeded without a social collateral damage.

Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has successfully solved some problems in the past 10 years, this left us with multiple copycat business models without any iteration or innovation. Customers are not only searching for a trendy service, but looking for a true reliable service with sustainable quality and safety, that offers all transportation options and services with a low competitive price, and because customers hate to be abused; so on a rainy day, or a day with heavy traffic; “high rates” fare is not a good move.

Service and Segmentation for Customers

RedCab LLC has spent enough time understanding customer needs to customize not only travel or transportation stylish from point A to point B but a convenient, secure, and affordable solution that meets everyone’s needs. From business to family and from individual to group, RedCab LLC manages to categorize car models as needed, without limitation for certain segments and to ensure all travel demands are covered.

  • Economic Cabin

RedCab selects cars carefully with a focus on affordability. Less fuel consumption means lower tariffs. The economic journey is for the use of the City. Short and quick daily trips.

  • Luxury Cabin

Luxury car for those who want to arrive in style and do not mind the additional cost.

  • Family Cab

The bigger type of car to take the kids for a long trip or go out with the whole family. Suitable for special care or senior citizens. Family Cab is a unique feature of RedCab LLC for the extra care of children and seniors.

  • Red Cab

Red Super colored car. This is the last trip. Users will pay a lot, and the driver will make more on the tokens. But the impression it will go … Priceless!

RedCab Technology and Applications

From the technical aspect to the business model, a dedicated research team spends a full year studying needs, assessing market gaps and exploring potentials with a focus on the driver’s experience and driver’s needs. One of the key aspects of RedCab’s business approach is global reach.

RedCap has 6 Languages ​​in its app and links to Global maps to be matched and includes different user experiences, as well as diverse car choices and categories from RedCap, covering all travel needs.

The first beta version of Mobile Apps was aired in 2017 both in the App Store and Google play, and the soft launch took place at a small tourist spot by the Red Sea for more hand operations and to test car calling services, consuming most of our business models. We see great potential in the industry and growing demand in all metropolitan cities in the hope of future growth for the industry reaching $ 285 Billion by 2030.

Ico Details

  • Pre-Sale: Starts 01 June 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 21 June 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT with early bird investors getting a 15% Bonus till allocated amount is sold out or phase ends.
  • Main Crowd-Sale Start Date: 22 June at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 15 August 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT.
  • Accepted Currency for Token Sale: Ethereum
  • Token Name: REDC
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
  • Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
  • Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
  • What Exchanges will REDC be listed on? REDC will be listed on exchanges that are regulated and have proof of reserves, including the Korean, Japanese and other globally recognized major exchanges.

Tokens distribution

  • 9% Team and Founders
  • 3% Advisors
  • 1% Bounty
  • 7% Private Sale
  • 15% Presale
  • 25% Reserved for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof-of-Marketing token generation.
  • 40% Crowd-sale

Budget Allocation Overview

  • 29% Product Development
  • 41% Marketing, Acquisitions and Partnerships
  • 13% Management & Advisory board
  • 11% Admin and Operations
  • 6% Legal




RedCab Team



Advisory Team



Created by : mayshella99


FLUZCOIN – The Intelligent Retail Currency

 Hasil gambar untuk fluzcoin ico

Fluzcoin usage in online Commerce, web and mobile payments

Fluzcoin team will provide integration framework and ready-made extensions to be integrated with popular eCommerce platforms such as Magento, Hybris, Salesforce Commerce Cloud (ex-DemandWare), Shopify, BigCommerce, PrestaShop, WooCommerce and other.

There can be two types of integrations owing to blockchain nature of the coin — first, traditional, centralised like a PayPal or other crypto currency extensions, which centrally store merchants funds after receiving them from consumers and then can move or exchange them into other assets on merchant’s request.

Fluzcoin POS payment flow

Consumer is equipped with free app that is Fluzcoin wallet as well as additional features, for example tracking of free coins distributed to Fluzcoin holders, search of nearby stores accepting Fluzcoin and providing special deal redeemable for Fluzcoin only.

A merchant is displaying the total amount of the cart on a conventional cash-desk screen along with conversion into Fluzcoin amount.

Sample Fluzcoin app screens

sample Fluzcoin app screens.jpg

Sample Fluzcoin app screens1.jpg

Sample Fluzcoin app screens2.jpg


Blockchain as a technology underpinning affordances necessary to fulfill the goals of a coin powering retail transactions.

The technology needs to support:

  1. Zero-fee transactions for consumers
  2. Privacy for consumers — consumers do not want others to see what they are buying
  3. Independence for merchants
  4. KYC enablement — consumer wallets need to be upgradeable by KYC to facilitate regulatory concerns of banks and servicing merchants
  5. Trust in the records of the distributed ledger for consumers and merchants
  6. Tradeability — the coin should be easily exchangeable into crypto assets on exchanges
  7. High transaction speed
  8. High throughput — retail is operating under load compared to conventional blockchain transactions. The transactions per second (TPS) threshold should be comfortably running at at least 250 TPS in the 1st project phase.
  9. Scalability in terms of a large blockchain file and its indexing. Blockchains do not store “balances” of coins, but calculate incoming and outgoing transactions on the fly, so in addition to the main ledger file there is also an “index” maintained to facilitate fast operations. Under the scenario of a successful coin roll out, the file might easily grow
    to Terabytes and such growth needs to be accommodated without a degradation in performance.

Fluzcoin coins are created at the ICO and on a continuous basis after that through issuance to the holders of Fluzcoin.

This issuance takes two distinct ways or tranches:

  1. Holders of Fluzcoin receive dividends which means they get new Fluzcoin automatically issued into their wallets in proportion to their holdings. The level of dividends reflects the value creation of Fluzcoin, the higher the market cap of Fluzcoin becomes, the more dividends holders of Fluzcoin receive. Dividends are paid at frequent intervals (more frequent than monthly) and the level of dividends is set by the EUNOMIA Foundation.
  2. The EUNOMIA Foundation also issues new Fluzcoin to the market in exchange for other currencies; the purpose of this second channel is to enable the Foundation to cover the running costs of operations of the Fluzcoin systems as well as to maintain and grow the Fluzcoin Reserve. This issuance is subject to a strict and transparent ruleset outlined below along with more details on the Foundation and the Reserve.

dividends .jpg


The soft cap to realize the project is USD 10 Mio.
The theoretic hardcap is effectively USD 212 Mio (all sold coins at full ICO crowdsale price).
The ICO shall be divided into stages where Fluzcoins will be offered at a discount until the Fluzcoin ICO crowdsale price of USD 0.10 is reached.

3,223,000,000 Fluzcoins shall be created for the ICO.
65,78% of coins are sold,
34,22% are distributed as follows:

Token Distribution

Fund Allocation 

Fluzcoin Global Inc plans to use the ICO collected funds in the following manner :



Hasil gambar untuk fluzcoin ico



Created by : mayshella99 
My Profil :;u=1990241;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0x2BCEE6fda3e0Fe0A60E4785Ea5452660DeEb91F7


Hasil gambar untuk africunia ico

AFRICUNIA is introducing an innovative banking model that allows the use of digital currency without hurdles, risks and technical barriers linked with owning, transferring, and trading in cryptocurrencies and tokens. 


AFRICUNIA plans to achieve the scale to offer traditional and emerging banking products in a technology driven Blockchain era environment, eventually becoming the one-stop shop for all banking requirements.

AFRICUNIA is in the process of implementing AFCASH—a crypto—based on AFRICUNIA Protocol Consensus Algorithm (APCA) to deal with the current problems of correctness, consensus, and utility that the current protocols have partly resolved. Our chief objective is to develop a new standard for tokenized investment that will act as a catalyst of bridging the gap between the fiat and cryptocurrencies.

We are offering a vision for the new standard of tokenized investment vehiclesthat will help bridge the gap between the conventional and crypto universes. In particular, AFCASH platform will be the one-stop shop solution for asset managers that want to create and manage tokenized funds. At its core, the AFRICUNIA will apply the benefits of ubiquitous Blockchain technology in the world of traditional investments. If you ever had doubts about using the Blockchain technology for classical investments, then the AFRICUNIA’s AFCASH is your solution. It incorporates all the aspects of the tokenized investment vehicles ranging from technology to infrastructure and legal compliance to create a “responsible cryptocurrency.”

We are talented, passionate and hardworking individuals from all over the continent, combining efforts to manage coding, creating and building relationships in the financial arena. Our leadership has a solid foundation in financial technology, crypto currency, venture capital, entrepreneurship, product development, asset management and legal regulation.

Having established a network system with Blockchain Technology, we aim to create the technology and wave of social revolution that will open up health care, insurance and modern government departments.

As the third generation of Digital Bank we will use internet to know the wave of digital currency. Once we have applied our stupid proof methodology, our standards will align its technology with the goal of responsible innovation. Just like any other conventional bank, we will not establish a branch or a physical front office. We will be accessible to people in all walks of life throughout the day and night.

Africunia is registered in the United Kingdom as Africunia Limited, providing Global Banking and Financial Services. The “CUNIA” in “Africunia’ comes from the Latin word “PERCUNIA” meaning “money” or “cash.” whereas “AFRI” is the abbreviated version of AFRICA. Therefore translated — Africunia means African Money or African Cash.

Africuniabintends to bring investment globalization, transparency, and decentralization to the next level by leveraging the ubiquitous Blockchain Technology.

Africunia offers a vision for the new standard of tokenized investment platforms that will help to bridge the gap between the fiat and the crypto universes. At its core, Africunia will focus on all aspects of tokenized investment vehicles ranging from technology and infrastructure to legal compliance and the corporate structuring

Africunia is introducing an innovative banking model that allows the use of digital currency without hurdles, risks and technical barriers linked with owning, transferring, and trading in cryptocurrencies and tokens. Open exclusively for investment during ICO, Africunia is a third generation closed-end fund that uses the Africunia Blockchain Technology to create a bank-2-bank and peer-to-peer cryptocurrency called AFCASH


  1. Our bank offers most tokens (AFCASH) in the form of fully crypto-oriented investments or pegged to transact for gold and currency currencies. Parties interested in decentralization, transparency and exchange can leverage our platform.
  2. Investor trust will be boosted once the token fund has been approved by the legal counsel. Risk factors will be transformed into opportunities to sustain the investment process.
  3. Through the development of standard platforms, large investments will be withdrawn through a token fund. Our Bank believes that we will continue to introduce industry standards for the purpose of setting up a token investment forum.
  4. Openness and accountability will be elaborated through tokenisasi interests of funds and profit shares.
  5. The investment manager will get approval using the AFRICANIA BANK platform to enable them to establish and run a token investment fund. This is possible without going through the development of IT payload and infrastructure.

AFRICA plans to scale to offer traditional and emerging banking products in a tech-driven Blockchain era, which eventually becomes a one stop shop for all banking requirements.

We are in the process of implementing AFCASH – crypto-based on the AFRICUNIA Protocol Consensus Algorithm (APCA) to address the currently solved, partial issues of truth, consensus and utility. Our main goal is to develop new standards for forested investment that will act as a catalyst to bridge the gap between fiat and cryptocurrencies.

We offer a vision for a new standard of tokenized investment vehicles that will help bridge the gap between conventional and crypto universes. In particular, the AFCASH platform will be a one-stop shop solution for asset managers who want to create and manage the appropriate funds.

In essence, AFRICUNIA BANK will implement the benefits of Blockchain technology everywhere in the world of traditional investment. If you ever hesitate to use Blockchain Technology for a classic investment, then our AFCASH is your solution. It combines all aspects of tokenized vehicle investment ranging from technology to infrastructure and legal compliance to creating responsible “cryptocurrency”.

You envision a bank that offers the best financial and investment services available to everyone without limitation, where you can safely store and manage your crypto assets, and where you can make transactions and exchanges safe and fast. It’s here now – your bank and financial market – AFRICA

Blockchain is an undeniable discovery and the good news is that we are developing it
Our Blockchain technology will decentralize every system, and will incorporate the following features: scalability, flexibility, and usability. This will be expandable, will have a SMART CONTRACT with provisions for Blockchain applications and other businesses for the development of our Blockchain. Africunia Blockchain Technology will include browser-based ECOSYSTEM for simplicity and adaptability. We also develop Digital Pass Technology and most importantly we will meet the requirements of Security and USER EXPERIENCE (UX). We built something based on a Security Token (Digital Coin), which has an additional layer, called the legal layer to incorporate standard KYC / AML banking protocols, so we combine features and attributes of modern banking with digital. currency.

Since its launch in 2009, Blockchain Technology along with its basic technology has sparked a wave of technological and social revolutions that have made ripples in a bunch of industries. Today, not just the financial sector that uses Blockchain Technology, but other industries such as Health Service Providers, Insurance Companies, Government, and IOT. Applications that use Blockchain technology seem unlimited. One thing is certain: Blockchain technology is here to stay like the internet for the past two decades. But amid the hype about Blockchain Technology and digital currency, their adoption in the mainstream financial industry has been a disaster.

Already, some banks have begun to develop methodologies and very easy standards that align technology with responsible innovation. In 2016, the IMF and World Bank hosted a conference hosted by the US Federal Reserve where it is estimated that 90 Central Banks are committed to researching Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Blockchain and digital currencies to create responsible digital currencies.

Blockchain is an undeniable discovery and the good news is that we are developing it. Our Blockchain technology will decentralize every system, and will incorporate the following features: scalability, flexibility, and usability. This will be expandable, will have a SMART CONTRACT with provisions for Blockchain applications and other businesses for the development of our Blockchain.
Africunia Blockchain Technology will include browser-based ECOSYSTEM for simplicity and adaptability. We also develop Digital Pass Technology and most importantly we will meet the requirements of Security and USER EXPERIENCE (UX). We built something based on a Security Token (Digital Coin), which has an additional layer, called the legal layer to incorporate standard KYC / AML banking protocols, so we combine features and attributes of modern banking with digital. currency.

That’s where AFRICUNIA comes in 
AFRICUNIA introduces an innovative banking model that enables the use of digital currencies without the hindrances, risks and technical barriers associated with ownership, transfer, and crypto trade and evidence.

Open exclusively for investment during ICO, AFRICANIA is a third – generation  closed-end fund  that uses BlockRain Technology AFRICUNIA to create a bank-2-bank and a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency called AFCASH.

If ICO succeeds, AFRICUNIA will move to a full-fledged digital financial institution that is accessible everywhere, 24/7. It will function like a conventional bank, but it will not host any branch or physical front office.

In other words, AFRICUNIA is a virtual bank that will publish AFCASH using AFCICUNIA Blockchain 3.0 Technologies. In fact, AFRICUNIA created a missing link between conventional banking and the new world economy dominated by Blockchain 3.0.

This Whitepaper includes a road map of business details, technical and project regulations, step-by-step and technological milestones that will be developed as AFRIKA’s infrastructure base.

Here are the 9 milestones we want to achieve before launching the platform

To stay within the limits of conventional banking, we will use the API (Authorized Payment Agent) for using appropriate  service and innovation standards. The base of AFRICUNIA BANK is an increase in capital invested according to customer development which in turn maximizes profit.
In addition, as far as technology security is concerned, our network architecture is decentralized.
Therefore, data storage, cryptographic encryption and security mechanisms for the identification, authentication and authorization of individuals or corporations are linked by the instrument.
Nevertheless, data processing is done automatically by using the applied AI algorithm. On this page there are some of our technology.

Our value
Our primary goal is to become the industry standard and a one-stop shop for setting up tokenized funds, regardless of whether these funds invest in the fiat or crypto universe

  • Offering best of both Fiat and Cryptocurrency world
  • Promoting sustainable investment of funds
  • Developing a standardized platform
  • Enhanced transparency
  • Scalable fund development
  • Market leading compliance
  • Development of a standard platform

The Structure
The fund structure may differ from one case to another. While it will evolve as new information becomes available, it will be run by a reputable legal counsel that will keep an updated reviews of what has been published.
Here is how the tokens will be divided:

  • The public contributors will be allocated 50% of the AFCASHs.
  • The company reserve will be assigned 30% of the AFCASHs. The reserve will form part of the company’s source income after the distribution period and will be allocated on a partial basis among the direct contributors and the core team of the business where necessary.
  • The remaining 20% of the AFCASHs will be allocated to the Founding Africunia Members and its advisors, partners, and campaigners as follows: 15% (Africunia Founders); 3% (Advisors & Partners); 2%(Campaigners). These funds would not be immediately tradable in
    order to continue motivating the core team after the distribution period.

ICO Token Detail

  • Token details token/coin symbol: afcash
  • Token/coin total supply: 500,000,000 (five hundred million afcashs)
  • Circulating supply: 500,000,000 (five hundred million afcashs)
  • Token/coin price: 1 afcash = $0.10 usd
  • Unsold tokens: any unsold token will be burnt
  • Sharing revenue: at the end each financial year, 20% of africunia bank’s profit will be distributed among all holders of our token (afcash) based on each holder’s share of total amount of tokens issued, and this will be automatically paid out to our coin users in their respective wallets. In other words, you are entitled to africunia bank’s revenue. Consider this as a passive income.


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Created by : mayshella99
My Profil :;u=1990241
ETH : 0x2BCEE6fda3e0Fe0A60E4785Ea5452660DeEb91F7

SOUNDEON – The First Blockchain Music Platform

Hasil gambar untuk soundeon ico

What is Soundeon?

Soundeon is a decentralized blockchain-based music and multimedia platform built on the Soundeon ecosystem-a protocol for modern media. The Soundeon venture is a consortium of blockchain experts, artists, software developers, intellectual property practitioners, and media executives who have shaken business as usual in the media industry. Soundeon deals with key issues that plague the performing arts industry with radical transparency, equitable ownership management, improved artist funding mechanisms, and fair event tickets.
Soundeon helps artists regain control over their creations, monetize their talents, and offer fans closer connections with their artists. As the music industry struggles to resolve issues in digital music copyright management and live event tickets, Soundeon presents a layer-by-layer use case approach. In essence, new technologies in blockchain computing such as self-executing smart contract and immutable ledger technology enable Soundeon to create a functioning, stable, secure, and adaptive environment to solve practical problems in digital media and tickets. This platform covers all aspects of the music industry. From creations and copyrights of works for resale, contracts, music assets, futures and ticket sales.
The mission and vision of the soundeon are:
    1. To find talent and empower the creators
    2. To control their work by developing a single, uncorrupted, unchangeable, fair, transparent block of intelligent media contracts and management rights based on a single blockchain and fostering closer relationships between artists and music enthusiasts
  • VISIONTo create the best entertainment experience by bringing transparency and innovation to the music industry.
Soundeon uses a multiprong approach to eliminate inefficient and old-fashioned market practices that are bad. Through the original adoption of CSC (Creative Smart Contract) proprietary technology, Soundeon Protocol solves the problem by developing the following applications:
  1. Sales of Token Music – Opportunities for artists to launch Token Sales and finance personal projects through the support of the Soundeon community.
  2. Soundeon Exchange – A decentralized intellectual property transfer and exchange where everyone can buy or sell their royalty income with the opportunity to create a diversified personal music royalty portfolio.
  3. Soundeon Tix – a fan-centric smart blockchain-based ticketing platform embedded in the Soundeon environment. Dynamic QR Code and Creative Intelligent Contract eliminates ticket scalping, fraud, and empower organizers to fully control ticket sales in both primary and secondary markets.
  4. Soundeon Monitor – Collection of royalty data from Soundeon and third-party providers, with an integrated data analysis covering all aspects of the artist’s creative output (including copyright, royalty collection, ticket sales).
  5. Soundeon Player – Music player using blockchain technology for transparent royalty distribution.


Token Detail
 Name  Soundeon Token
 Total Supply  1.0 billion
 Platform  ERC20 Compliant
 Soft cap  52.7 million Tokens
 Hard cap  650 million Tokens
 Exchange Rate  1 Soundeon Token = 0.056923 USD   
 KYC / Whitelist    Yes
 Unsold Tokens  Burned
 Token Utility
 Bootstrap network efects
 Trade artists’ coins
 IP shared ownership
 Platform services prepayment  
 Fair-play guarantee

Token Sale Details

A special smart contract will be developed to automate the Initial Token Sale process. The Initial Token Sale smart contract parameters include :
  • Soft Cap:
    The contract will have a safety measure for contributors. Should the soft cap of the offering not be reached, Soundeon will not have the ability to access these funds. Furthermore, a full refund will be made to the contributors.
  • Hard Cap:
    Soundeon strongly believes in efficient use of resources, hence we are against uncapped token sales. Only the amount required to reach roadmap goals should be raised. From existing case studies, we observe a harmful dynamic of uncapped projects driven by greed and facilitated by the hype.
Soundeon takes on a holistic approach to improving both existing practical deficiencies within the music and ticketing businesses as well as creating a blue ocean of music tokenization. In order to achieve this ambitious feat, Soundeon undertakes a disciplined and layered approach to its crowdsale, with uniform alignment to its realizable project development cycle. Hence, depending on the amount raised in the crowdsale.




  • Vadim Kurochkin – CEO
  • Vladimir Avdeev – CVO
  • Egor Bushlyakov – CTO
  • Anastasia Liberman – Head of Product
  • Ruslan Guseynov – Strategy & Development
  • Aram Abgaryan – Business Development
  • Anna Tolstochenko – Head of Marketing
  • Tim Guseynov – Creative Consultant
  • Alina Shaposhnikova – Art director 
  • Alan Sorensen
  • Christopher Nolte
  • Hayk Ayrapetyan
  • David Drake
  • Anton Abduhamidov
More Information
Created by : Mayshella99

My Profil :;u=1990241;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0x2BCEE6fda3e0Fe0A60E4785Ea5452660DeEb91F7

Rocati – First Cryptocurrency Linked to a Tangible Asset

 Hasil gambar untuk rocatilimited teamAbout Rocati

The ROCATI Limited project starts with the creation of a new cryptocurrency based on an Ethereum ERC20 smart contract. It aims to promote the possibility for anyone with problems accessing credit or obtaining a mortgage from a bank to buy a residential property.

This technology can revolutionise the real estate sector because it maintains a traceable and completely indestructible register of transactions. Blockchain technology will add liquidity to the real estate market, make it possible to carry out buying and selling transactions differently and is applicable to any type of global reality.

To develop the project, 50 million ROCATI have been created – 10% of which will be retained as the company’s business asset fund. During the ICO phase, a total of 45 million tokens, each worth one euro (€1.00), will be launched onto the market. The initial coin offering will last for 100 days and will offer the opportunity to purchase ROCATI using Ethereum exclusively.

ROCATI, therefore, makes away with the expense of mining and fixes key points for the issue of more currency onto the market; ROCATI will only be issued against a real estate transaction and the tokens generated will be managed, on a fiduciary basis, directly by a notary public who will guarantee full transparency in relation to the buying and selling operation, signalling the transaction directly on the blockchain.

During the issue phase, ROCATI can only be transferred to servant notary public, offering the markets a currency closely linked to a tangible asset: real estate. At the time of drawing up the deed of sale, the seller can change the cryptocurrency received into fiat currency through ROCATI Limited or adopt one of a series of alternative options, these being changing the currency within exchanges, keep the currency in their wallet or carry out other real estate transactions.


ROCATI is the first cryptocurrency associated with a real asset: real estate property

ROCATI was born to start the real economy of a country through the purchase of real estate properties, and plans to become the global reference currency of the industry. ”

 Our vision

With ROCATI we plan to help revive the real estate market and, as a consequence, revive the real economy. We are at the beginning of the revolution in financial markets and we plan to be part of this challenge as a leader.
ROCATI’s core business is tied to concrete, not speculation, in the context of property renovation paying particular attention to the environment, with the goal of reducing energy wastage.
Our strategy encourages financial innovation in the real estate industry, which aims to disseminate safety and protection to offer a convenient, secure and reliable solution for consumers. Our added value is transparency and professionalism. ROCATI will bring all potential customers to the same level, giving trust to those who have the wisdom to buy it. Anyone will have the opportunity to buy an apartment that has been renovated, without the nightmare of having to access the credit line. ROCATI is the only cryptocurrency in the world that connects to the concrete value that allows you to buy a home.

People who buy ROCATI will be part of an exclusive club that offers three benefits: protecting your savings, letting you buy your dream home, and helping couples to build families.

Why ICO ?

During the ICO phase, 45 million ROCATI will be placed on the market, with a value of one euro for each token. The results will be used for the creation of the largest real estate project in the world, whose strength will be based on a chain of purchasing and selling agents, supported by companies that will guarantee credit through cryptocurrency.

  • Q1 2017 – The time had come for cryptocurrencies to really take a huge leap forward.

ROCATI realised the need to stand out from other types of electronic money: a digital
currency that will grow thanks to the tangible asset of bricks.

  • Q4 2017 – The project is completed by defending the inalienable right to a home from any

creditor. Transferrable agreements, a form of rent to buy with 100% funding through ROCATI,
is the solution the market was waiting form. By only finalising property sale deeds once full
payment has been made, buyers ensure their property cannot be attacked.

  • 2018-2021 – ROCATI Limited was founded by a team of Italians with a broad spectrum of

skills and know-how – structural engineers, architects and designers, IT engineers, financial
experts, estate agents and journalists specializing in brand identity. The primary objective
through ITARCO estate agency is to occupy the main European capitals to communicate
to the general public the advantages and real uses of ROCATI.

  • 2021-2024 – Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing economies. The increase in income

and consumer power, has consolidated the middle class increasing their demand for goods

and services. For these reasons, driven by the rapid growth of markets such as Vietnam,

India, the Philippines, China and Indonesia, Asia is the main objective for global investors.

By 2026, the Asia will own 35% of the world’s real estate.

Creation of real estate value in Asia:

  • India: There is a widespread lack of commercial and retail sale spaces that needs to be

          filled. The existing real estate realities are obsolete and need to be updated.

  • China: The real estate sector in China is clearly expanding. What emerges is a strong need

          for commercial real estate to ensure the export of goods flows harmoniously.

  • Japan: There are strong opportunities for investment in the residential sector. Great real

estate portfolios, with high rent and low management fees, are a point of interest for the

global market. 

Recommendations for users

For those approaching the world of cryptocurrency for the first time, it is fundamental to

understand that a very important role is played by security and optimal management of

investments. We always recommend keeping ROCATI in a private wallet. Passwords and

access keys must be held exclusively by the account holder to prevent anyone accessing

a personal wallet and carrying out transactions unknown to them.



 Hasil gambar untuk rocatilimited ico

To more information click link below : 


 Created by : mayshella99 
My Profil :;u=1990241;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0x2BCEE6fda3e0Fe0A60E4785Ea5452660DeEb91F7


Hasil gambar untuk redpill ico

Apa kabar semuanya, pada kesempatan ini saya mau memperkenalkan Redpill (Pil Merah) :
Apa itu Red Pill?
Red Pill adalah Cryptocurrency yang dikembangkan untuk memungkinkan penggemar untuk mendukung pencipta konten favorit mereka. Dengan Red Pill, Anda adalah bank. Tidak ada orang tengah. Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima Red Pill secara aman yang dapat disimpan di hampir semua perangkat.

Cryptocurrency berdasarkan blockchain ada di radar Anda jika Anda seorang pencinta pembiayaan. Sebagai seseorang yang tertarik untuk mengontrol keuangan Anda dengan lebih baik dan selalu mencari peluang investasi baru, cryptocurrency menawarkan manfaat yang jauh lebih baik daripada mata uang tradisional kami. Bitcoin memulai revolusi cryptocurrency dan sekarang ada banyak alternatif yang tersedia karena teknologi blockchain telah berkembang selama bertahun-tahun. Tetapi kebanyakan dari cryptocurrency ini adalah klon yang tidak imajinatif satu sama lain tanpa diferensiasi nyata.

 Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICC dengan membuka situs web. ICO saat ini akan tetap terbuka hingga 30 Oktober 2017. Koin yang tersisa dijual melalui lelang setiap tahun. Kuantitas lelang awal yang direncanakan saat ini adalah 10 juta koin. Kami merekomendasikan MyEtherWalIet untuk membeli dan menyimpan koin Red Pill Anda. BitSquare adalah pertukaran resmi kami untuk Red Pill Coins, jika Anda tertarik untuk berdagang Koin Pil Merah. Karena itu adalah mata uang yang memiliki nilai moneter dan tidak dikelola oleh bank, kami adalah mata uang untuk orang-orang. Tidak ada bank atau perantara lainnya, Anda bebas bertindak anonim sesuai keinginan. Bitcoin Anda juga dapat disimpan dengan aman di perangkat apa pun.

Koin pil merah dapat dibagi ke tempat desimal kedelapan untuk transaksi dan ini akan menjadi unit koin pil merah terkecil. Dengan persediaan tetap 200 juta koin yang direncanakan akan dirilis secara terdistribusi selama bertahun-tahun, Anda tidak lagi perlu khawatir tentang depresiasi. Koin pil merah tidak dapat ditambang seperti Bitcoin dan karena itu akan lebih stabil.

Kita hidup di masa yang tidak pasti ketika negara bangkrut dan orang kehilangan semua tabungan mereka. Kita dapat dengan mudah menjadi korban langkah-langkah penghematan dan liku-liku lain dari tatanan dunia saat ini. Kami telah merancang Red Pill Coin untuk menjadi sumber stabilitas dan daya tahan Anda dalam waktu sesingkat itu.


Buat dan Terima Pembayaran Secara Aman Pertama dan terpenting, Red Pill adalah cryptocurrency aman yang membuat mengirim dan menerima pembayaran mudah, aman dan menyenangkan.

Dirancang Untuk Kreator
Red Pill dirancang untuk orang-orang yang suka membuat konten dan mengkonsumsi konten. Ini adalah mata uang yang sangat baik yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung favorit Anda.

Ini Memiliki Nilai Uang Nyata
Tidak seperti poin reputasi, Red Pills dapat dikonversi menjadi uang tunai. Ini memisahkan Red Pill dari hampir setiap sistem tier reward lainnya di luar sana.

RED PILL adalah mata uang yang dirancang untuk memperkaya komunitas online. Pil Merah dapat digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan. Komunitas dapat, misalnya, menggunakan Red Pill untuk memberi penghargaan kepada anggotanya untuk segala hal mulai dari pencapaian tertentu (misalnya membuat sejumlah posting di forum) atau memberi penghargaan kepada mereka atas kesetiaan mereka (misalnya memberikan pil anggota untuk menjadi anggota selama satu tahun). Pil Merah juga dapat digunakan untuk menghargai pelanggan dari suatu produk atau layanan. Selanjutnya di Red Pill juga memberikan tip yang bagus.

RED PILL bukan mata uang yang dikendalikan oleh pemerintah atau bank. Red Pill adalah cryptocurrency terdesentralisasi yang dimiliki, dioperasikan dan didistribusikan ulang oleh People. Nilai sebenarnya dari Red Pill Is You


Dompet Paling Tepercaya Pil Merah Dapat Disimpan Menggunakan Mist Dompet Resmi Ethereum , yang tersedia di Github.

Butuh BitCoin / Ethereum?
Untuk membeli pil KB, Anda memerlukan Ethereum, dan untuk mengirim pil KB Anda akan membutuhkan Ethereum. Kami Merekomendasikan Menggunakan Coinbase untuk semua kebutuhan terkait Bitcoin / Ethereum Anda.
Dompet Favorit kami

MyEtherWallet Adalah Platform Favorit Kami Untuk Menyimpan RED PILL. Anda dapat menggunakan MyEtherWallet untuk Tidak Hanya Menyimpan Pil Merah, Tetapi Juga Menghasilkan Dompet Kertas, Jadi Anda dapat mengambil Pills Red With You On The Go.


RED PILL akan tersedia di berbagai pasar yang memilih untuk mendukung mereka. Untuk saat ini Anda dapat membelinya langsung di pasar [TBA]. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) adalah 1/2 dari total pasokan koin (dengan harga ICO kira-kira 0,05 per koin USD), yang berarti 100 Juta koin untuk diperebutkan. Koin yang tersisa akan dirilis pada jumlah 10 juta koin baru per tahun dan tersedia melalui lelang (dengan harga penawaran minimum yang ditetapkan berdasarkan nilai pasar saat ini dari Red Pill pada waktu itu).


BitSquare Adalah Pertukaran Resmi Untuk RED PILL. Red Piller adalah kelompok yang unik. Jika Anda ingin berbicara dengan pengguna Red Pill lainnya, atau menemukan jawaban untuk pertanyaan menggunakan Red Pill, Anda dapat menggunakan Forum BitSquare selain menghubungi kami secara langsung melalui formulir kontak kami atau melalui email

RED PILL Lebih Aman dari mata uang tradisional (mis. Dolar AS). Akses ke mata uang digital Anda memerlukan pemeriksaan keamanan / verifikasi yang tidak dimungkinkan dengan mata uang tradisional, selanjutnya Red disimpan dalam Buku Besar online yang disebut rantai blok yang didukung oleh Peer yang berbeda di seluruh dunia, yang berarti mata uang tetap sepenuhnya aman dan selalu tersedia saat sepenuhnya transparan. Pertukaran Resmi Untuk Pil Merah Akan Segera Tiba.

Penjualan Token :

 Softcap – 1250 ETH $ 500,000 USD
  • Hardcap – 15000 ETH $ 6,000,000 USD
  • Token Dijual – 50,000,000
  • Token Supply RPIL – 100.008.760 (Pra-Mined)
  • Token Standard – ERC20
  • Token Type – POW (Proof of Work)
  • Nama Koin – Red Pill Coin
  • Symbol – RPIL
  • Desimal Tempat – 8
  • Alamat – 0x9e386da8cdfcf8b9e7490e3f2a4589c570cb2b2f
  • Koin ICO Yang Tidak Terlupakan akan dibakar.
The Red Pill development team is a group of developers who have worked collectively to bring birth control pills to the public. Red Pill prides itself in facilitating users’ ability to use Red Pills securely when they choose it, while following all laws, rules and regulations, as defined in their respective countries.

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Created by : mayshella99 
My Profil :;u=1990241;sa=forumProfile
ETH : 0x2BCEE6fda3e0Fe0A60E4785Ea5452660DeEb91F7